Supporting leaders & teams develop vision & sustainable solutions, together.


Culture Alignment

Leadership Development

Organizational Effectiveness

For me, it’s always about the mission, vision, goals, people, and culture.

I empower leaders and teams to build solutions, together.

I have the courage to ask tough questions and executive presence to do so with respect and clarity and quickly distill them down to the challenge—and the solution.

I thrive when I support leaders and teams to implement solutions that drive organizational culture and ROI, while reconnecting strategies and teams to their mission and values.


“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

— Maya Angelou


What I Do Best

  • Quick Assessments

  • Strategy definition through operational implementation

  • Leader & team development = organizational effectiveness & positive culture change

  • Stakeholder collaboration

  • Program/project management

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